Explanation quarterly payments and cancellation policy
. Each quarter consists of 13 lessons
. By paying quarterly, riders can choose a fixed lesson-day/hour to ride in (if space available).
. Renewed automatically.
. Each quarterly payment needs to be in before the first day of the new quarter.
. If you need to give notice, please do so at least 4 weeks before the end of the quarter.
. lessons need to be cancelled a minimum of 24 hours in advance
. Cancelled lessons need to be made up within the same quarter.
. You can’t carry cancelled lessons over into the next quarter.
. CANCELLATIONS BY PHONE : on working days between 14.00 and 20.00 hrs.
During the weekend, between 10.00 and 16.00 hrs, or via the website (www.deamsterdamsemanege.nl)
CATCH-UP LESSONS ; only via email – info@deamsterdamsemanege.nl
. First quarter runs from January until March
. Second quarter runs from April until June
. Third quarter runs from July until September
. Fourth quarter runs from October until December.
*Attention pony-riders : the third quarter will automatically be half a quarter, because there won’t be any pony riding lessons during the summer vacation.
*Riders who enjoy multiple (fixed day/hour) lessons during the week, must pay quarterly for each of those lessons. We offer them a 10,- discount per quarterly payment for each fixed lesson, and they are allowed to spread the payments. The payment for the second weekly lesson can be made later during that quarter.